Saturday, January 1, 2011

Even the Desert Gets Cold!

So as I was blazing across the internet reading various articles and such, I came across a article about some animals in a Zoo in Japan. It was a very short article and contained a picture.

The article of only a few words said something about how furry animals get cold too (who knew?). This article got me thinking, "What do the other animals think about the cold?" I'm sure the first time a Lion has it's first winter in a Zoo it's probably thinking "What the hell is going on?" I'm sure it would love some blankets or space heaters, especially if it was in the cage next to these lucky little guys.
Lemurs in front of a electric heater.

So what about all the birds and other animals that are on the Eastern Sea Board of the US. I can imagine they don't like the cold to much. Just think of all the little pairs of eyes out there looking in windows at Humans sitting by a fire under a blanket. They must hate us and our opposable thumbs. Or our fire making ability. Maybe this is why birds always poop on our cars right after we wash them, the birds just want to get back at us for being warmer then they are.

What about the animals in the desert. The temperature was  25F last night. All my neighbors were covering their beloved trees and bushes to prevent them from freezing. I was a bird I would somehow sneak into an attic or hide under one of these covered bushes to sit out the night. Not only would it provide me with great warmth it also has super protection from any predators that would brave the cold night to come find me.

I think I personally will turn on a little electric heater for any poor animal that gets caught out in the cold. Can't hurt to help the environment any way possible. I could also then use my monthly electric bill as a tax write-off, I would call it "The preservation of endangered species." Sounds like a perfect plan to me!

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