Saturday, February 12, 2011

First U of A Shotgun Club Shoot

IInteresting to say the least.

From the beginning lets start with I am not a very sociable person when there is work to be done. Also I am inherently very angry. Ya give me a shotgun! 

I showed up at about 1110. "If your early, your on time. If your right on time, your late. If your late, your dead." Semper Fi! Having absolutely no idea what any of my fellow club mates looked like I stared at the Guns for Sale adds and ultimately ending up sitting down in the Club Cafeteria. Time check 1130. Right now the helicopter has already left and everyone is left behind enemy lines (dead)...Except me.

Around 1150 people start to filter in and looking under the age of 80 so I assume they would be people from the club. I go over to the gaggle of them and start making friends. Every one is official enough to have wood stocked Bretta's and such. Glad I kept my guns in the shooting bag. More gaggle and mindless talk about things I have no interest in. around 1245, which is 1 hour and 15 min after I was promised to be blowing stuff up, we get in line to get our range cards and what not. Of course no one at the counter knows what they are doing so another 20 minutes later I have range card and accompanying ammo and guns in hand wandering around looking for friends I made earlier to blow get to the reason I'm here. 

Not that I make little nests or anything but when I have a range bag with two guns, more barrels then guns, ammo and what not it's hard to not take up space. Unloading all weapons and ammo onto the "On Deck Shooting" I am ready with two of my newest friends (who have never held a gun before) to get to shooting. Standing there with said friends a man appears and asks if we are ready to shoot. We of course think he is a coach and agree that we are ready and proceed to follow him to the 1st station of the skeet range. Negative ghost rider, we have are suppose to be shooting trap. After informing the gentlemen of this he has what could be related to the adult version of a hissy fit. I believe it went something like this:

"You fucking kids don't know shit"
"Go talk to the front office we are supposed to be shooting here"
Mumbling and walking to the front office he appears to realize I am aware of what is going on.
He walks back: "Well thank you for conning me into waste a whole round of skeet"
"Why don't you just ask them to give you another round and say you messed up"
"I never messed up they just dunno what to do with you damn hooligans"
To my new friends, thanks for doing the ostrich thing and sticking your head in the Trap house and acting like you don't know me.

Packing up my stuff to go find new friends I walk down the range to the very and and see other people I had previously be friended and unpack there and we have a grand time shooting.

Round one over, more talking ensues. Damit. Blah blah blah no one cares can we go shoot.

Fast forward to round 2 (two). Semi attractive girl says something un-intelligible to me since I am wildly throwing ammo in all pockets on my person since I have no snazzy vest. we all walk out there and her Mom is standing right next to her. Again, no one cares, just let me blow shit up. go through first 2 stations with a 100% hit ratio. people are mumbling down the range as my new best friend and I make jokes at each other about how incredibly awesome we are. NEXT THING I KNOW I hear the moms voice "PU...BAM" And then the wind is knocked out of me and I'm coughing more now then before since I was already sick. At first thought I was under the impression I got shot. Then I quickly process that no one is that stupid to shot me and it would probably hurt alot more. I look over at me new best friend whom is now freaking out about something. Situational awareness not so high. I look down and on the ground are alot of little shot pellets laying all around me and new best friend. Everyone else is going bat shit crazy as they run over to us. Apparently someone had never fired a gun before (the Mom) and shot the little brick structure that shoots the clay pigeons out. Paint and the big sign that identifies the brick structure is all gone. Yes it will fly back at the opposing angle that you shot it at and that just happened to be where my friend and I were standing. 

After affirming my well being to everyone we continue shooting. Minus the mother of course.

After said round we talk to mom and informed her that you must not get to excited and shoot people. She is EXTREMELY receptive to the information.

Next round we try this shin-dig again. The mom switches off and this time, said friend and I are very far away. Her daughter helps her put the shell in the gun and then smartly basically sprinted away. Many things in life, when your life is in very immediate danger you see them in slow motion. Well I see her finger near the trigger and then I see the other hand go for the action to lock and load the weapon. I turn away (the thought of diving crossed my mind but I had my dads shotgun in my paws and (Love you dad) decided that the well being of his gun was more important then my own) The breech could bee seen closing and then I lost sight as I spun around and cover my dads gun (much love STILL). open my eyes after the BOOM to the huge cloud of concrete/cement dust and a gun just laying on the ground. Honestly part of my mind was like if you just blew both your feet off, you learn a very valuable lesson in the operation of a shotgun. Luckily for all parties involved she was still upright and once again going bat shit crazy. 

Shotgun promptly taken away and given to younger girl and resume shooting. Much less eventful.

After round is over more talking. Damn times 2. After I somewhat tune in I hear people talking about the Olympian Trap Double, God Among Men, Birds Destroyer, Special range at the very end. I offer my two cents that I would shoot another round with some of these incredibly dangerous people.

Break this down. 5 stations with a bird shooter at each station. You shoot once move down. So of the five clay pigeon shooters it can shoot the clay pigeon in 3 different directions, Left Center, Right and it will shoot them either Low, Normal, or extremely High. It shoots the pigeon out 4 times faster and twice as far.  which in my mind is 3 directions times 3 heights times 4 times faster times 2 times as far so that makes this 72 times more challenging then Trap. Challenge Accepted.

You get two shots per clay pigeon so in reality it is only 36 times as hard, but that is a technicality.

Everyone has either Over-under or Semi-Auto Shotguns. Mr. Brian "Badass" Popelas has his pump action. Many people told me I would not hit anything let alone be fast enough to get a second shot off with the pump action. Challenge Accepted.

Once standing on the range, I must say those little bastards move VERY fast. Well after many uneventful shots I scored a denigration hit on a bird right out of the house. 

What is Kill? Suck it Trebek.

Many more shots later I start using both rounds. I impressed my self at the speed I can pump the action and squeeze round two off. which means many of the "wanna be pros" were being instructed by yours truly to pick their jaw up off the ground. Get some.

Total hit 11 birds. How many I actually had a chance at I have no idea. although with not so great ear protection on a shotgun made to shoot people in very close quarters, My brain was very sloshy in my skull and I had a massive Migraine. But I proved my man hood to all present and one guy actually said he was sorry for doubting me...lets bask in that for a second...If only I would have been cool enough to pat him on the shoulder as I walked by and said, don't worry it's OK, I understand I have more talent then you.

After that I shook hands and played nice with everyone long enough to make me exit in night rider at close to 7000RPM's in first gear. Thats how I roll. Be Jealous.

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