When driving around eating doughnuts Cops always go above or below the speed limit. They do this for the sole purpose of pissing you off while proving they are above the law.
Well i'm tired of this shit. So I personally take a stand to either get in their way and go WAY under the speed limit, fly past them go tailgate like I'm driving the Indy 500 (and on most days I am). This concept usually works pretty well as when you fly past them you can weave into traffic and make a turn somewhere in the near future or cut them off and slam on the brakes and act lost. You can tell when your plan is working because they will flash their lights which means "get the fuck outta my way" or they drive past and give some type of hand motion that says "What the hell are you doing." So far this plan has never backfired, once they are out of sight it's back to driving like I just stole it.
Key words were "SO FAR"
Driving around tonight I was getting on the freeway and saw a cop turning in front of my to get onto the on ramp. The car was probably about 1000ft in front of me and he was on the on ramp. Game time. Pedal to the metal and I'm on his ass inside of 2 seconds as he is laa-dee-daa'ing his way up the ramp on onto the freeway. like most shitty Tucson drivers, they fail to realize cars on the freeway go fast, much faster then their current speed. So as semi's are blasting past me and this cop, who is all of 3 feet bumper to bumper in front of me, I merge over the little white lines and jump in behind yet another semi who is flying past.
At this point all my actions are justifiable. I am merging onto a FREEWAY and need to match the speed of the flow of traffic. The car in front of me( the cop) is not accelerating a speed which I feel is a safe highway speed and therefore I feel that I'm going to either get rear ended by a passing car or have to take the next exit and try again.
Once I get in behind the semi and match his speed I pass the cop, who now is obviously annoyed with me. I hop to the next lane over and stomp it again and fly past the semi. Cruising down the highway I see the cop get around the semi and floor it until he is on my ass, much like cops do when they are running your plates. So I brake check him, trying to taunt him as if saying "Do it, pull me over!" Anticipating blue and red lights within the next 10 seconds I get over in the slow lane, cop still riding my ass. We go about another 2 miles at 45 with traffic flying past us and clearly merging to get around us.
At this point I have had it. Speed limit is 65 so I can do 80 safely and my exit is now coming up. So once again I floor it and leave the cop in the dust. right as I start pulling off into the exit lane here comes the cop, probably doing about 100 to "one up" me. I time it right look over and flick him off.
His response. Turn on his red and blue flashy lights, cut me off and fly down the exit, through the red light at the intersection then turn his lights off on the other side and get on the on ramp back onto the freeway.
Cop 1 Me 0
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